Vanishing Point
Vanishing Point was a Canadian drama anthology series that ran on CBC Radio from 1984 until 1986, and then under a varying array of sub-titles until 1991. The series was created and produced by Bill Lane and ran for over a hundred episodes.
Please note that the episode numbers given below are merely the order in which the episodes are thought to have been broadcast — they are not the actual episode numbers. Broadcast dates are uncertain and non-genre episodes have been omitted.
Please note that the episode numbers given below are merely the order in which the episodes are thought to have been broadcast — they are not the actual episode numbers. Broadcast dates are uncertain and non-genre episodes have been omitted.
Episode 23: Shoot The Unicorn
A photojournalist tracks down a lost Amazonian tribe. First broadcast: 25 November 1985. Original Story by Charles Tidler. Cast: Tom McBeth, Steve Miller, Ted Stidder, Janet Hodgkinson, Thomas Hunt, Roger Nirman, D. C. Yates, Alana Shields, Gwyneth Harvey, Marcy Goldberg, Peter Ferrari, Alex Dycus, Paul Deckard. |
Episode 24: The Language of Flowers
A keen gardener becomes obsessed with a strange, exotic orchid. First broadcast: 2 December 1985. Original Story by Hugh Atkinson. Cast: William Righter, Marion Eisman, Zena Daruwalla, Roger Norman, Walter Marsh, Robert Forsythe, Boyd Norman, Hugh Getnacourse, Judith Berlin. |
Episode 26: Past Imperfect
A scientist's nephew comes a cropper when he appropriates his uncle's newly-invented time machine for his own, nefarious purposes. First broadcast: 16 December 1985. Original Story by John Douglas. Cast: Neil Munroe, Eric House, Robin Craig, John Baylis, John Douglas, Don Dickinson. |
Episode 28: Split Second
A woman returns home from a walk to find strangers living in her house, and no-one knows who she is. First broadcast: 6 January 1986. Original Story by Daphne du Maurier. Cast: Fiona Reed, Chris Wiggins, Gillie Fenwick, Jay Bowen, Marian Gilsonan, Greg Ellwand, Maya Ardel, Jill Frappier, Karem Maliki-Sánchez, Anthony Parr. |
Episode 32: The Rising of The North
Children's show 'What If?' examines the US President's radical plan to tackle his country's water shortage. First broadcast: 5 May 1986. Original Story by Michael Riordan. Cast: Chris Wiggins, Nicky Guadagni, Ken James, Neil Munroe, Jane Eastwood, Ruth Springford, John Stalker, Margaret Potschue, Rosalind Goldsmith. |
Episode 33: Death of A Physicist
A physicist attempts to calculate the best way to join a loved one in the afterlife. First broadcast: 12 May 1986. Original Story by Christina Meeker and Peter Schultz. Cast: Eric Schneider, Meredith Goodwood, Barney O'Sullivan, Joseph Scala, Micky Monsel, James Johnston, Otto Lewey. |
Episode 36: Certain Distant Suns
Hannah's aunt Bessie suffers the consequences when she loses her belief in just about everything. First broadcast: 30 June 1986. Original Story by Joanne Greenberg. Cast: Andrea Martin, Helen Hughes, Susan Rubish, Earl Pennington, Janet McDonald, Francine Volker, Layne Coleman, Richard McMillan, Aaron Schwartz. |
Episode 37: The Artist of The Beautiful
A robotics engineer strives to create a miniature robot endowed with a sense of beauty. First broadcast: 17 November 1986. Original Story by Charles Tidler (based on a story by Nathaniel Hawthorne). Cast: Blue Mancouma, Ron Holder, Bea Beckley, Paul Baton, Barney O'Sullivan, Rick Scott, Leroy Schultz. |
Episode 38: Rappaccini's Daughter
After a lifetime's work helping her father breed plants which can withstand a nuclear winter, Professor Rappaccini's daughter has become toxic. First broadcast: 1 December 1986. Original Story by Charles Tidler (based on a story by Nathaniel Hawthorne). Cast: Stefanic Gournay, Chris Frozatti, Annabel Kershaw, Natino Bellantoni, Jim Crescenzo. |
Episode 40: Deep Desire
A television evangelist believes he is possessed by a demon snake. First broadcast: 15 December 1986. Original Story by Charles Tidler (based on a story by Nathaniel Hawthorne). Cast: Blue Mancouma, Owen Thoran, Donna Peerless, Tom McBeth, Christoper Gaze, Betty Phillips, Micky Monsell, Jean Wolfe. |