Space Patrol
Space Patrol was a juvenile space adventure series broadcast on ABC Radio from October 1952 to March 1955. A spin-off from the popular television series of the same name, the show followed the 30th Century adventures of Commander Buzz Corry of the United Planets Space Patrol and his young sidekick Cadet Happy. The series was created by Mike Moser and written by Lou Huston, with the radio series utilising the same cast and scripts as the TV series. It is thought there were 129 radio episodes, with around 110-120 surviving.
Please note that the episode numbers given below are merely the order in which the episodes are thought to have been broadcast — they are not the actual episode numbers. Some episodes have been omitted due to poor audio quality.
Please note that the episode numbers given below are merely the order in which the episodes are thought to have been broadcast — they are not the actual episode numbers. Some episodes have been omitted due to poor audio quality.
Episode 24: The Cosmic Ray Detector
A pair of thieves use the United Planets Secretary General’s daughter to unwittingly smuggle stolen cosmic ray detector crystals onto Jupiter. First broadcast: 9 May 1953. Original Story by Lou Huston. Cast: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Bela Kovacs, Ken Mayer, Virginia Hewitt. |
Episode 25: The Secret of Sub-Level 7
Investigating the theft of plutonium, Corry and Happy find themselves trapped in the sub-levels of Jupiter City, as the thief threatens to instigate a methane gas explosion. First broadcast: 16 May 1953. Original Story by Lou Huston. Cast: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Bela Kovacs, Ken Mayer. |
Episode 29: The Treasure of Planetoid 60
Corry and Happy race with a couple of crooks to discover the location of a hoard of valuable gems, lost for over a hundred years, somewhere in the outer Solar System. First broadcast: 26 June 1953. Original Story by Lou Huston. Cast: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Ken Mayer, Bela Kovacs, Norman Jolley. |
Episode 31: The Sleeping Demon of Saturn
A pair of criminals instigate an eruption of a long-extinct volcano on Saturn, in order to sell defective, used spaceships to the fleeing colonists. First broadcast: 1 August 1953. Original Story by Lou Huston. Cast: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Norman Jolley, Ken Mayer, Nina Bara, Steven Robertson. |
Episode 34: The Menace of Planet X
Investigating reports of an unknown planet beyond the orbit of Pluto, Corry and Happy discover the lair of their arch-enemy Prince Baccarratti. First broadcast: 22 August 1953. Original Story by Lou Huston. Cast: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Norman Jolley, Bela Kovacs, Ken Mayer, Steven Robertson. |
Episode 35: The Trap On Planet X
Prince Baccarratti plots to lure Commander Corry back to Planet X, in order to capture him and subject him to a Brain-o-Graph scan, to discover Space Patrol secrets. First broadcast: 29 August 1953. Original Story by Lou Huston. Cast: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Bela Kovacs, Norman Jolley, Ken Mayer. |
Episode 36: The Valley of Dread
In an operation to free slave workers on Planet X, Corry and Happy’s surface tank is destroyed, leaving them at the mercy of vicious wildlife in the Valley of Dread. First broadcast: 5 September 1953. Original Story by Lou Huston. Cast: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Bela Kovacs, Ken Mayer, Norman Jolley. |
Episode 37: Escape From Planet X
Corry and Happy are captured by Prince Baccarratti and placed in a robot spaceship heading for Terra — a ship which Commander Corry has previously ordered the Space Patrol to blast from the sky. First broadcast: 12 September 1953. Original Story by Lou Huston. Cast: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Bela Kovacs, Ken Mayer, Norman Jolley, Steven Robertson. |
Episode 40: Return To Planet X
After a skirmish in tunnels under Prince Baccarratti’s missile base on one of the moons of Jupiter, Corry and Happy pursue their arch-enemy back to Planet X. First broadcast: 3 October 1953. Original Story by Lou Huston. Cast: Ed Kemmer, Lyn Osborn, Bela Kovacs, Ken Mayer, Virginia Hewitt, Norman Jolley. |