Exploring Tomorrow
Exploring Tomorrow was an American science fiction anthology series broadcast on the Mutual Broadcasting System radio network from late 1957 to late 1958. The series was hosted by legendary editor of Astounding Science Fiction magazine John W. Campbell Jr., although the magazine itself was not sponsoring the show.
Notable writers whose work appeared in the series include Randall Garrett, Gordon R. Dickson, Robert Silverberg, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Poul Anderson, John Fleming, Raymond E. Banks, George O. Smith and Tom Godwin.
Many of the details of the individual episodes are either lost or uncertain, and quite a few episodes are missing, with others spliced together from repeat broadcasts on the American Forces Network and similar syndicated networks. Consequently, the details given below should be treated with caution. Note especially that the episode numbers are merely the order in which the episodes are thought to have been broadcast — they are not the actual episode numbers.
Notable writers whose work appeared in the series include Randall Garrett, Gordon R. Dickson, Robert Silverberg, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Poul Anderson, John Fleming, Raymond E. Banks, George O. Smith and Tom Godwin.
Many of the details of the individual episodes are either lost or uncertain, and quite a few episodes are missing, with others spliced together from repeat broadcasts on the American Forces Network and similar syndicated networks. Consequently, the details given below should be treated with caution. Note especially that the episode numbers are merely the order in which the episodes are thought to have been broadcast — they are not the actual episode numbers.
Episode 13: Sound Decision
When a damaged space liner en route back to Earth seems on an imminent collision course with the planet, the authorities on the ground and the pilots on board must face a hard question — what price the lives of the passengers? First broadcast: 2 April 1958. Original Story by Robert Silverberg and Randall Garrett (Poul Anderson is erroneously credited at the end of the episode — the ending is spliced in from another episode). Cast: Unknown. |
Episode 15: Planet of Geniuses
A planet seeded with colonists of high IQ as a sociological experiment is visited after 1500 years by an investigator to determine if the population has evolved to a level which is a threat to the Galactic Empire. First broadcast: 16 April 1958. Original Story by Poul Anderson. Cast: Ron Dawson, Ada Luscio. |
Episode 16: The Stowaway
A stowaway is discovered on an emergency shuttle carrying life-saving medical supplies to a space colony. The shuttle does not have enough fuel to land with the extra weight of the unexpected passenger. There is only one option… First broadcast: 30 April 1958. Original Story by Tom Godwin (based on his classic story 'The Cold Equations'). Cast: Mason Adams, Joyce Gordon. |
Episode 17: Telepaths
A telepath, who believes himself to be superior to the rest of humanity, feels himself constrained by the conscience of the only other telepath in the world. Something has to give… First broadcast: 7 May 1958. Original Story by Gordon R. Dickson. Cast: Mandel Kramer, Bryna Raeburn. |