Dark Fantasy
Dark Fantasy was a short drama anthology series from Oklahoma City radio station WKY, broadcast in 1941 and 1942 on the NBC network. It specialised in supernatural, horror and weird fiction, with the odd SF tale thrown in every now and again. It was created and written by Scott Bishop (who also worked on The Mysterious Traveler series) and ran for around thirty half-hour episodes.
Episode 2: The Thing From The Sea
During a voyage to New Zealand, the crew of a yacht encounter two ancient, bodysnatching spirits from a lost continent. First broadcast: 28 November 1941. Original Story by Scott Bishop. Cast: Eugene Frances, Ben Morris, Eleanor Naylor Caughron, Fred Wayne, Georgiana Cook, Daryl McAllister. |
Episode 5: Resolution 1841
A woman sees a 100 year old resolution come true when she and her friends visit her old family home for the new year celebrations. First broadcast: 2 January 1942. Original Story by Scott Bishop. Cast: Ben Morris, Eleanor Naylor Caughron, Charles Carshon, Minnie Jo Curtis. |
Episode 15: Superstition Be Hanged
Three circus performers suffer the same grisly fate when they refuse to heed the instruction of a fortune teller to always wear a white feather. First broadcast: 13 March 1942. Original Story by Scott Bishop. Cast: Garland Moss, Murillo Schofield, Ben Morris, Erme Rae. |